jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

"Families are different" by Nina Pellegrini

In this session, you will find the tale "Families are different" by Nina Pellegrini which is a short tale with lot of images about the different types of families that exist in the world. You would have to read it and listen it. 


When you are done reading and listening the tale, you must write 3 sentences that caught your attention of the whole tale and explain why. 

Here's the worksheet for you to write them: 

Here are some flashcards with the emotions Nico (Nicola) the main character of the tale felt and some others emotions for you to get related with the vocabulary. 
Copy the link and paste it on the search bar so that you can open it

Next, CLICK on the browser "How do i build my own story" in which you are going to find instructions and examples of how to write a story.

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